Alright, these are some pretty straightforward questions - nothing about the "lore" of juice or anything like that. I just wanted to know how the game determines the amount of Juice that an enemy or entity should drop when it gets damaged. To this end, I have 2 questions.
1) It seems pretty obvious that dealing low amounts of damage to an enemy will only give a small amount of juice, and dealing more damage will give more per-hit. However, what I remain uncertain about if there is a maximum amount of Juice that an enemy can give per high-damage hit - that is, do juice blobs summoned by hurting enemies have a maximum value below the integer/decimal number size limit? If so, what would that be? Additionally, do juice blobs have a maximum physical size? (It kind of seems like their size is logarithmically-scaled or asymptotic rather than linear based on the amount of JP they give, but I don't actually know that to be true.)
2) When playing around with the old Draginslayer, it seemed like all enemies, regardless of how low-health they were, would have the tendency to drop a lot more Juice. This was most obvious with trees. My guess for how the system worked is as follows: if a pollywog with, say, 20 HP, would drop 20 JP if you were to whittle its health down by 1 HP at a time with a weak weapon, hitting it for 40 HP worth of damage would give you 40 JP, even though the Pollywog only had 20 HP and should probably not give you that extra 20 based on a direct HP-to-JP conversion. Of course, I don't actually know if the system works like that, and I wanted to ask so that we could have a clear understanding of it for the record.
Thanks for your time, and best of luck with the next update!