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An open-world graphical roguelike. Still in development. · By Cynapse

A bug under linux and weher is a Crash log?

A topic by kleintux created Oct 18, 2017 Views: 411 Replies: 2
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First i have to say that I love your game.
It reminds me to the game "Caves of Cud" :D.
But i have a problem with the UI when i play not fullscreen under linux (see the screenshots).
The UI is not usable.
I tried to set the resolution in the config but without fixing the problem.
OS: linux debian
WM: herbstlufwm

requesting resize 683 x 768
resizing window to 683 x 768
Desktop is 1366 x 768 @ 60 Hz

Do you have an idea how to fix this? :D

not fullscreen


not fullscreen

Second problem/question.

The game crashed and the CPU load was 100%, so i had to kill the processe. Is there a LOG which i can send you? I didn't find one in ~/.config/unity3d/Ravensong\ Games/Axu/

THX for the good work. I donated and will donate more in the future :)

Wow, I haven't encountered that before. My Linux-Fu is pretty weak, but I'll look into it to the best of my ability. The game is meant to be played at 16:9, and the UI scales to that. Are you trying to play at half width on purpose, or was this the result of attempting to change resolutions to say, 1280x720? 

What was the context of the crash? There have been reported issues with some combat encounters in corridors, which has been worked out for the next version. I've also been tracking a very strange seemingly random crash with large save files too. 

The resolution problem happens when i play in window mode with half the screen 683 x 768.

Yeah the game crashed in combat. I can't wait for the next version :D.