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A member registered Oct 21, 2015

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maybe a linux build? :)

thanks, looking for the build without wine ;) good luck and thank you anyway for this game

looks great found it on rougelikedev. Will there be a linux build or sourcecode? :)

Is a linux build planned?


Thx, i got today an steam key from support. Thanks for this little nice game :). Keep up the good work.

nice game :) but i had an error.

hello i bought the game. Unfortunately I have no way to get the steam key.

it depeneds on the used libreries. If they are avaible on windows and linux. Do you plan to release this game as open source? 

looks nice.

So it's programmed in LÖVE would it be possible to build for linux?


Hi looks fun, but is there a chance for a linux version or source code? :D

Hi, i would like to play the game. Any chance for a linux build? :)

Or can you provide the haxe lib versions you used? :)

Thanks and keep up the good work

It runs smooth on linux, thanks. (you can write that in the notes that the game is for linux/win).

The controls are yet no very intuitive :D

I like the concept and the game. Keep polishing it.

The game is fun but very hard.

After 5 games i managed only level3

Nice storytelling :)

Looks realy nice :D will buy it

Will there be a linux version?
If I buy on itch, do i get an steam key?

is the future near? :D

linux +1

The Land of Glass community · Created a new topic steam key

Do i get a steam key if i buy the game on itch?

Thank you :)

That would be great! 

Hi Dev

Its a lovely rougelike :). I bought the game on itch, is it possible to get also an steam key?

I liked it :)

hi your game looks perfect for me. so i bought it.

but sadly on itch is only the windows and not a android version avaible.

Will you add sometimes a apk for android? Thanks :)

I like the game, and no problems yet with the linux version. thx!

yeah! Thx

Reynard community · Created a new topic Linux Support

This game looks really fun and nice. Is there going to be Linux support?

Hi there. The gaem looks pretty. Is there a chance for a Linux Port?  

Good to hear from you. :) will checkout the new version. Thx  for the good work.

Thanks for this game i love it. Would it be possible for a deticated server & arm build? :)

You need to start the game on one client. Then on another client in your lan another, thenyou will find the server.

If you want to play over the internet, you have to open Ports/NAT on your firewall.

thx for the release :) my crashes are gone!!!!

Good to hear from you :)

I hope you are doing well

The resolution problem happens when i play in window mode with half the screen 683 x 768.

Yeah the game crashed in combat. I can't wait for the next version :D.

First i have to say that I love your game.
It reminds me to the game "Caves of Cud" :D.
But i have a problem with the UI when i play not fullscreen under linux (see the screenshots).
The UI is not usable.
I tried to set the resolution in the config but without fixing the problem.
OS: linux debian
WM: herbstlufwm

requesting resize 683 x 768
resizing window to 683 x 768
Desktop is 1366 x 768 @ 60 Hz

Do you have an idea how to fix this? :D

not fullscreen


not fullscreen

Second problem/question.

The game crashed and the CPU load was 100%, so i had to kill the processe. Is there a LOG which i can send you? I didn't find one in ~/.config/unity3d/Ravensong\ Games/Axu/

THX for the good work. I donated and will donate more in the future :)

nice little game, keep up the good work.

Its only too easy :(