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A multi-version ROBLOX client launcher built to allow the user to run LAN and Internet servers. · By Bitl Development Studio

Decals/images wont appear

A topic by kepiblop created Jul 17, 2021 Views: 1,165 Replies: 12
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In any game with decals, the decals dont appear they are blank. I tried 2008 and 2011M and 2010L and there is no images loaded

but in modern studio the images are there

It is very hard to play work at a pizza place 2010 cause you cant know what is which.

Please find a fix i just reinstalled it so its the latest version.

meshes wont either

I havent tryed this yet but launch novetus and select the work at a pizza place map  and click on studio with map and insert a script into the workspace and copy this code:

  1. local assetId = 257489726
  2. local InsertService = game:GetService("InsertService")
  3. local model = InsertService:LoadAsset(assetId)
  4. model.Parent = workspace 

idk if itl work tho

(1 edit)

You have to use a redirect, I made a program that automatically modifies an RBXL to make the assets work.

I also cant find a way to make the decals for the kitchen to appear in work at a pizza place w/o rejoining. 

Thank you. The script didn't work so just ignore my post. Thank you for an asset providor

Huh thanks i will try it out.

(1 edit)

Oh hey it works even some of the orders load but one of the cash registers decals dont work but its fine

I even tried it one one that is not work at a pizza place and the meshes and the decals loaded just fine, thanks austiverse

You can play working Work at a Pizza place on my website. I can give you a copy if you want.

coooooooooooooool but im fine with the old one

can i have and where in your site have

How do i make ??

yo thanks for the content provider