what's the asset id?
Recent community posts
Well, for starters, use the texture for the shirt, not the shirt id.
If you don't want to go through the hassle of studio/looking through ids, upgrade to 1.3.
If you want to stick with 1.2 though, just open studio, make a place, insert a shirt, and paste the avatar shop id. it redirects to texture id, and you can paste it back into novetus.
Fourth this.
Yes, project 7 has a 2013 client. It's private now though.
You can azlso do eczed's modpack. It has 2012 to 2017. (2017 and 2016 are studio) 2013 has animations, but no gui, and everything else has gui, but no animations. 2012 might not work.
Get it here: https://drive.google.com/drive/u/0/folders/12TS27KoX83DmBNPukRjJWFfLKZSGJGP7
Are you using roblox or the redirect? If roblox, then change it to this: http://epicgamers.xyz/asset/?id=insertidhere