See this picture? Just alone, this picture may just look like what you'd see in your standard, low effort indie game. The poster could've added a filter and even just added UI just for show. But Unbelievably, this picture, as of the 6th August, has taken me 2 MONTHS to develop!
This is the official "Mankind On Mars Blog / Devlog"
I will be updating this with new content, info and more every 7 days.
By the way, If you like what you saw in that picture, you can check out the game here.
Oh dear! I haven't introduced myself yet! Hey! My name is Nathan but Online I am known as nathukadev. I'm a student currently living in England, and I program in C# but am looking to expand my knowledge into other well known languages, such as C++, Python, HTML and more.
I began my passion for game development after learning about the Unity Game Engine. I am not confident on what caused me to begin, but I'm glad that I got into it, because it has opened up a whole world of opportunities for me and my future.
Now that I've introduced myself, and we've made a semi-online friendship, let me explain to you what this darn game is about!
Mankind On Mars is a short but savage battle between Sentient Robots and Humans.
As humans compete with each other to outwit the other in new technological advances, the consequences of their past actions have caused Planet Earth to unite in an effort to defeat the Revenge-Seeking Robots who've had enough of humanity's horrendous rule.
Use the technology at your disposal Wisely. The fate of humanity is in your hands...
Well, that may've left you confused, so to break it down, Mankind On Mars is an Interactive 3D Tower Defence Game. If you don't know what a Tower Defence game is, it's basically (as taken from Wikipedia):
"Tower defense (TD) is a subgenre of strategy games where the goal is to defend a player's territories or possessions by obstructing the enemy attackers or by stopping enemies from reaching the exits, usually achieved by placing defensive structures on or along their path of attack."
Some examples of Tower Defence Games Are: Bloons TD, GemCraft, Plants VS. Zombies
Almost all Tower Defence Games Are 2D but this game is breaking the ice and launching you into an Immersive 3D Battle - In Space!
And when I say "In Space" I mean your literally ON THE PLANETS! Earth, Mars and many more to come as the game progresses in development!
If you stuck around and you're still reading this, then you must surely have enjoyed that description! So why not stick around for more updates on the devlog, and maybe even play the game here and give some feedback? We appreciate every piece of feedback we get, and it makes the game more suitable and enjoyable for YOU! :D
Thank You!
~ nathukadev