Despite having the documentation, I'm still having a hard time on setting this up for GMS1. Would appreciate any help. Thank you!
Code and asset live-reloading for GameMaker! · By
I got it working, I just tried one more time to import using the IDE, and that worked. From there the setup took care of itself!
I'm also having trouble setting this up in GMS1, I'm getting a runtime error in the Create Event for obj_gmlive:
global variable name 'g_live_bug24929_map' index (101009) not set before reading it. at gml_Script_live_script_get_index (line 4) - var l_q=g_live_bug24929_map[?l_name]; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- stack frame is gml_Script_live_script_get_index (line 4) called from - gml_Object_obj_gmlive_CreateEvent_1 (line 4) - var q = live_script_get_index("netlog");
I had to unzip the extension myself so I'm worried I somehow missed something, any advice? Thanks!