My name is PixLiz, the creator and sole contributor of I’m reaching out to the community asking for suggestions on the best pixel games in a variety of categories.
The reason for this inquiry is because I’ll be creating a large article about the best pixel games by genre, console and platform (Examples:
These games may also get their own feature article on the website at a later date. Both articles will feature an affiliate code linking back to the game described.
The games suggested can be your own or somebody else's work. I’d prefer games that are posted on
If you wish to submit a suggestion, please respond to this post using the following template, filling in the bracket areas as appropriate:
[Game Title]
[A concise description, up to 3 sentences.]
Rating:[the rating of the game such as 5/5 as displayed on the game’s page]
Genre:[Examples: Atmospheric, Bitsy, Horror, Roguelite, Story Rich, Unique, etc.]
If your game doesn’t fit neatly into a genre, I’m also looking for the best pixel games by game engine and price. If your game is unique to any other category, please type a concise summary of what makes it unique. An example of a unique game may be Perception by The Deep End Games due to its core mechanic using echolocation in order to reveal in-game objects.
**Please do not duplicate suggestions. Instead, like a suggestion that has already been posted and reply to it if you’d like to add more detail about the game suggested.**
Thank you for reading and your submissions. I’ll edit this post to say “Closed” when I have enough games. I’ll also change the post title to “Edited” if I need to look for more specific genres or other information as needed.