Bokoblins are tribal humanoid creatures from the Zelda series. In Zelda: Breath of The Wild, they set up camps all over Hyrule. When they're not doing much, they're usually sitting by a campfire cooking meat. They are very territorial so when Link comes near their camps, they'll try to attack him on sight. They can wield a variety of weapons often crafted out of wood such as clubs, spears, or bows but the most iconic one is probably the brown one wielding a club. He looks like this.

I already drew him a while back but I tried to break down my process for this tutorial. As always, I start with a loose sketch just to know where in general his body parts will go.
With this sketch you can already get a general sense of where the different parts will go (head, ears, arms, legs, club, torso). Then I add in basic colors, as well as a few simple details.
You can now see that he has a face, along with a horn and some clothing but he still needs a lot more details. We can start with his face. When I draw faces, I like to make the features pop out such as the brow ridge and cheek bones. The way I do this is with shading!
Now you can see that the face is a bit more defined, the brow ridge and cheek bones pop out a bit more and I gave him a pig nose, but the other parts of him still aren't super defined. Continue to shade the rest of his body.
So now you can see he has a bit of muscle on his pectorals, arms, and legs but his equipment texture still isn't well-defined yet. We have to fix that. The club shouldn't be rounded off like that, there should be a wood chop there since it's cut from wood. His loin cloth should be a bit ragged and tattered and his wrist band should have a bit more shading to it. Also if you pay attention to the reference images, he has a tribal necklace so we'll add that in too.
This is pretty close to finished, the final step is just to polish. It takes a lot of careful attention to detail. Unfortunately I don't know how to explain this part other than constantly practice referring to reference and comparing your drawing to it. If you look at your drawing and feel like something is off, there probably is because you don't feel that same way looking at the original reference images. I noticed that way I currently drew him isn't hunched enough and his waist looks too wide for a bokoblin so I had fixed those things. I made his head a bit rounder and wider looking because they have pretty wide heads. I also gave him toe and finger nails. This is the final sprite I ended up with.

I was pretty proud of how it turned out so I gave him a full scene from Zelda: Breath of The Wild too!
I should probably give him a bokoblin buddy though because he looks a bit lonely but hopefully someday I can teach you guys how to draw all of this one tutorial at a time! Alright that's it for this tutorial, see you in the next one. It will probably be on how to draw Moblins or something!