- Tulup plant : No idea where elf Liana is.
- Iron Request : Can't get iron do not have a pick-axe or know where to purchase iron (for player inventory not nation storage) or said pick-axe.
- Armor Breaking : Got the recipe to make katryx blade but don't know who or where to go to. I think after I find the person who can make the katryx blade it will allow be to get a pick-axe in order to get the resources to make it.
- Mechanical Parts : Can't find a mechanic, I think its Akai but due to a side quest Steam Gun I believe i have to complete steam gun first before i do this.
- Steam Gun no idea where to get steel (craft-able) or coal and can't get iron (no pick-axe).
And the border to Dorgania is still closed what quest will allow the country to open its borders?