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A topic by ravenofwhat created Dec 06, 2017 Views: 589 Replies: 4
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my mouse is riscted to a small box so i cant get past the start!! please help!


Hm, I don't know what could be causing that.  Have you tried changing to fullscreen or fullscreen windowed mode, or turning mouse capture on or off? (edit init.txt to change these things; there are instructions in the file).

Hey Im having the same issue aswell:( Doesnt allow me to to use the modification tools etc.

Developer (1 edit)

Could you try changing to fullscreen or fullscreen windowed mode, or turning mouse capture on or off? The init.txt file has options to do that. I'd be interested to know if that works (I haven't been able to reproduce this problem on my own system).

ive learned that with this problem it fixes itself if you use true full screen, should probably update that in the notepad