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Future Ghost (2D p&c adventure/RPG)

A topic by Pinebox Games created Dec 09, 2017 Views: 1,010 Replies: 12
Viewing posts 1 to 8


I've got a demo posted here on for my game 'Future Ghost'. It's a point 'n' click adventure with JRPG-style fights, telling the story of a semi-retired kungfu master who gains immortality very early on in the game, and then goes on to work through what that means for him, and to fulfil certain responsibilities he feels obliged to carry out.

Here he is at the airport...

No, not the big guy in the blue t-shirt. The one with the red jacket and the backpack.

Anyway, it'd be great to hear from people who might take the time to play the demo, which goes for 20-30 minutes, and I'll continue to post here from time to time with updates. For now, if interested, you can check out more screenshots and a video preview on my project page (same link as above).

The engine I'm using, by the way, is RPG Maker MV.

Thanks for reading.

Discovered, through as thorough a play-through as I could manage on a Samsung S4, that the standard package for Android you get by following the official steps for RPG Maker MV just isn't really good enough. Also was not able to get it running at all on my LG K10.

Time to test out some alternate HTML5 wrappers, and failing that, try making a pared-down version of the game for Android. Really don't want to do that, though...

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So I customised the "walk here when I click on this spot" destination indicator with a yin-yang icon I was initially intending to use as a "mouse over" indicator over clickable objects, but that didn't work out, so instead I made the clickable things flash when you prompt an NPC for a hint instead, as you can see below.

These updates, along with a full reworking of the first two fights, feature in the current release of the demo, v1.04, which you can download for Windows and HTML5 from here or from my project page. A Mac version is also available from my website,

Got it working well on Android now, using this method. The APK of the demo can be downloaded from this link (102MB), but please note that it's a debug version which must be run in Developer mode and cannot load savegames (no storage read permissions).

Here's one example of the countless environment interactions that've been added to the demo. You can click on almost everything, or tap it, or press Enter or the A button next to it, and the protagonist/s will react to it. World-building! Texture! Banter! All that good stuff.

And here's a fight clip, showcasing the addition of status icons and more rapid command entry. By default in RPG Maker MV, you have to confirm your input for everything except "Guard", but as you can see above, I've made it so that Song gets into "Counter" mode as soon as you select "Counter", etc.; no need to confirm. This, with much shorter in-battle animations than previous, really speeds up the battles, as far as JRPG-style battles go.

So I ran a Kickstarter campaign for Future Ghost, and it was successful!

I've also done a lot of work on improvements to the demo, which is now available.

For more details, you can check out the devlog entry I posted just a few minutes ago.

Where is the ghost?

Btw wehre is I can find kickstarter campaign like you did? because I need donation for develop my game too..  :(

The best way for me to answer your first question is with a picture...

To set up your own Kickstarter campaign, start with the Kickstarter website. They provide a lot of useful advice and guidance in the first steps. My own advice in having a successful campaign is...

  • If you don't already have a community behind your game, start building one.
  • Promote on Twitter and Instagram.
  • Reach out to bloggers & YouTubers, no matter how small, who might want to write/talk about your game.
  • Friends and family are most likely to be the backbone of your campaign, so advertise to them.
  • Set a realistic funding goal.
  • Offer potential backers rewards that they will really want. I found that offering to make backers into NPCs worked well.

Hope that helps. Best of luck!

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is that any condition to make campaign for donation?  because my progress only 15% I can show them my progrrss. I do alot comunity, but none of them support to me. thats why i want to try kickstarter. after reach the goal, where I can get the payment? and after reach goal how much kickstarter will cut % rate fund?


There are no conditions in setting up a campaign for a game. Kickstarter take a 5% cut, and there is a 3-5% payment processing fee. Payment will be made directly to your nominated bank account; Kickstarter take care of collecting pledges from your backers if the campaign is successful.

thankyou verymuch for this information >w</

Btw Can I see your link on kick starter?? @w@

Sure! This is the link.

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Already see your Kickstarter, very nice :)

but im stuck  at eligable country ( indonesia not listed on eligable country) so I move to indiegogo, please help me to share thia to your friends

Thankyou very much for help  😆😆🎵🎼👍