Gotta admit, this is hot. I'll be watching.
This RPG, even being in developement is by all means a well developed RPG! Been a gamer since 12 (almost 50 now) and the Dev/s have, imho, put a LOT of thought and quality into His/Her/Their work. It DEFINATELY takes a lot of thought, repitition, and plain luck to get ahead in this game, as in real life, and there are always possibilities for good/bad/off the wall suprises that can change the tide of gameplay which, again, is a huge part of any quality RPG (imo) and so far have been playing about a week consistently and still haven't come close to being burnt out, my UP-MOST respect for the Dev/s work so far and truly look forward to future updates to this absolutely well-made gem of a game!!!
I have found a glitch, if MC is a professor (I chose academics) and at academy during tutoring hours, if you click talk to a professor (Wolf) then click tutor class, I get scold him, and can keep clicking Wolf/scold and will raise influence with each scold, same with Hemme/duel genius. If this is the wrong area to report this to you, please let me know, still enjoying your work btw!