- Wider choice for FPV viewing angle (>100 deg)
- Include some limited OSD - at least artificial horizon, maybe height, speed etc
- Include FPV Freerider in FPV Freerider recharged.
Very good though, realistic.
0. I use CTRL+T (the default) key for enable/disable 3D vision, but app start a timed race. Please fix, start only with single T key, not with ctrl+T.
1. add a beginner mode (no crash)
2. ability to use my controller buttons for restart, change acro/self level mode, start a timed race.. Often I don't have a keyboard near me while flying on a big screen and yes i know i can do this with a mouse, it would be much easier to do these from my radio.
3. Save laps/reload weeks later as a ghost drone, so we can see our progress :)
4. Add more environment elements, for example animals (cows run while i am near, just like in real world), birds. Some wind, which affect drone.
5. With highes graphics setting and poweful gpu do not "cheat" with object drawing at distance. Now many object only appear when i fly towards them. Break the illusion, especially in 3D.
6. Load extra levels from main menu, not from level editor.
7. User changeable video static levels - now it's too much for me.
8. Support Top/Bottom stereoscopic format, not just SBS. (i know its for VR googles, but for a passive 3d tv top/bottom is better)
9. remove vignetting effect (it shows color banding), and i see purple/green colors on edges, seems like CA effect. Why is that?
10. Yeah, some limited OSD and support flying to music would be nice too.
Thanks :))
Thank you for your detailed suggestions, I will take note of them all and consider them.
#2 Is at least partly possible already with a bit of a workaround, you can map the keyboard shortcuts to a button/switch on your transmitter with a program such as this:
Windows: http://joytokey.net/en/
Mac: http://alternativeto.net/software/joytokey/?platform=mac
Linux: https://github.com/AntiMicro/antimicro
And as for #9, the CA effect is intentional, but perhaps I should remove that. I can agree it is a bit too pronounced currently, and the best thing might just be to get rid of it completely.
There is no central sharing hub for user created levels. Some people have shared levels on the RCGroups forum thread, and a couple of people have shared levels on this Itch forum. (So I guess you have already found those that are easy to find). I don't know of a simulator with offline LAN support.
I would like to suggest a Freerider - Cameraman edition. For us JohnnyFPV "want to be's" it would be pretty cool to have a simulator to practice following moving targets. Example would be using the existing Forest from Recharge (sort-of) and throwing in a Mountain bike or Having the Rover driving in the Desert scene. New scene would definitely have to be a racecar on a track though. You probably could get away with using the existing code on the recorder and just let the user choose their own screen recorder of choice if they actually want to record. More versions more sales and I don't think this is done yet.
as for @relaxfpv suggestions I do like the idea of assignable buttons/switched but does the driver even support that on anything? As for the Beginner mode I would like the opposite by adjusting tree hits to wipe you out easier. This would be a bit more like real life.
Another suggestion might be to add a little random wind with a level adjustment. I don't think this is too resource intensive and should be a pretty easy add in.
Overall this is my favorite simulator because it is the smoothest I have so if the features bog it down forget it please. Love your work and I look forward to more great release's …………………………………………………..Like Cameraman :)
I agree it would be fun and useful to have moving targets to chase. I am taking a note of your suggestions and will consider them for the future.
Yes I think it's best to let the user choose the screen recorder, OBS screen capture is a good free one for those who might be looking for one, there are probably a lot of other good alternatives as well. Those who have an Nvidia graphics card might prefer to use Nvidia Shadowplay for example.
As for the assignable buttons/switches suggestion mentioned it can be done by mapping the keyboard shortcuts to a button/switch on your transmitter with a program such as this (as mentioned in the earlier post):
Windows: http://joytokey.net/en/
Mac: http://alternativeto.net/software/joytokey/?platform=mac
Linux: https://github.com/AntiMicro/antimicro
(There are keyboard shortcuts for changing flight mode, starting a race etc., all shortcuts are listed in the user manual).
Thank you for the feedback, glad you like the simulator!