Hi rIKmAN,
The new runtime finally implemented Spine 4.0 imports. Unfortunately, SpineSlotEXT no longer works with the new ide and runtime.
Thanks, Ivan
A GameMaker Studio extension allowing the runtime manipulation of slot colour, alpha and collisions on Spine skeletons. · By
Error Code:
unable to convert string "r:Linear" to number
at gml_Script_sse_skeleton_atlas_load (line 54) - var atlas_width = real(string_copy(str, 1, pos - 1));
gml_Script_sse_skeleton_atlas_load (line 54)
gml_Script_scrSkeleton_with_collisions (line 12) - sse_skeleton_atlas_load(atlas_path, filter_name)
gml_Object_oPlayer_Create_0 (line 9)
Hi Ivan,
The error you posted is because the format of the json file Spine exports has changed, likely due to new features and data added/removed in the Spine v4 export format.
However the functions in SpineSlotExt were added natively into GMS2 way back in v2.2.2, so it is no longer needed in any versions of GMS2 later than that as the functions the extension added (ie. slot colouring) are now "built-in" and a native part of GML and can be found in the manual here.
This information is also noted at the top of the main page.
No problem Ivan!
For versions later than v2.2.2 using the native functions is definitely what I'd recommend as it will give better performance than the extension which is written in standard GML.
Swapping over the function calls shouldn't be too difficult as when YYG added the support natively they named their functions pretty similarly to the sse_ function names I added with the extension.
Good luck! :)
Hi Ivan,
Do you mean sse_skeleton_update_draw_data()?
If so, you don't need to convert that as it just passed color/alpha information through the extension, the native functions handle all this behind the scenes now so it isn't needed.
In fact you shouldn't need to use SpineSlotExt at all if you are using v2.3.7 as everything can (and should!) now be done using the native GML functions that were added since the v2.2.2 update.