Hello everyone,
I'm having issues using this extension in the Draw GUI event. It works perfectly in the Step Event and the Draw Event. Any idea?
(btw this thing is revolutionary!)
Code and asset live-reloading for GameMaker! · By
It's all about a semicolon; I code mostly without them (probably due to my python background).
Here's a video showing the behavior (I edit a "show_debug_message" but the live-changes are picked up based upon the presence or absence of a semicolon a bunch of lines before). Took me some time to figure this out, sorry.
Is this something I have to keep in mind and just start using semicolons?
Thank you
If you check the output log,
you can see the errors in there.
That is indeed a mismatch between GMLive and GMS2, though that is interesting - that syntax was not allowed when I last checked, as GM <= 8 did not require commas between variable names in declarations, so you could do
var a b c
instead of
var a, b, c
Then in GM8.1 ability to initialize local variables was added, but the space syntax still stayed, so
var a, b
c = 1
would compile as
var a, b, c = 1
which was making a pretty big mess in some cases.
So the compiler was later made to show an error when trying to do that.
That error then stayed in GMS since people would still import projects with old-style code.
It is good that it was eventually removed though. I'll get rid of that alert in the next version then.