Hello, I'm Steve from Ogre Pixel! This time I want to introduce you a new game idea we are working on!
It's a Platformer/Level Editor directly from hell!!!
Why is it from hell!? Well that's because Jon is a devil who wants to rescue Jane (his girl) and escape from hell! But for that he will have to run across lots of levels, levels designed by lots of souls from the hell (yeah, that's why we made an editor =D).
The deal here is to create custom levels with a super duper basic ascii level editor.
How? Go check it yourself -> https://ogrepixel.itch.io/jumperjon
* You can share your levels using pastebin.com =)
Sample here: https://pastebin.com/bh8YnWRA
This is the very first version of it, we will keep working on this and will keep updating devlog for it too!
Hope you can give it a chance, like it and share some levels with us! =D