Reech the Kobold is trapped behind a brick wall of mahjong tiles. On the other side of the brick wall is a fire-breathing dragon. This Is Fine.
So, riichi mahjong is an abstract strategy game from Japan -- you might know it as doman mahjong if you play FFXIV. It's basically a race to see who can build a hand first. Making efficient decisions can improve how quickly you accomplish that.
This is a single-player strategy game based on the riichi mahjong ruleset, but I took out the rules that require reading opponents, and I tried to support a pretty generous attitude towards strategies that are high-risk in riichi proper. It also has furries! (Well, one furry.)
You can see the rules in a little bit more detail on the itch.io page here or in the game itself, which is free.
Please let me know if you find bugs! I had some friends playtest this and I fixed the ones they found, but a few of them were things I really should have caught, so I suspect there's one or two show-stoppers in here. Based on playtester feedback, I reduced the difficulty early this morning (as of 1-3) so folks who played this game on 1-2-2022 might benefit from re-testing.
(Also, if you're feeling apathetic in-game and looking for something to motivate you, try shooting for 20,000 points.)