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Anemoiapolis: Chapter 1

Explore old malls, empty water parks, and existential dread · By Andrew Quist

When will you release Anemoiapolis on Steam?!

A topic by ItsGamerSeb Gaming created Jan 05, 2022 Views: 963 Replies: 5
Viewing posts 1 to 4

Hopefully it wouldn't be cancelled!


When it comes out of Beta this year.  Steam is more suited for fully released games, especially after building up wishlists!


Hopefully the Released  Date of Anemoiapolis on Steam will not be CANCELLED <33


I've already wishlisted it on steam :)  I'd like to ask a question though.  I wonder if this game is going to include the liminal space of endless basement tunnels and rooms, that have water pipes and electric wires running along the upper walls. Utility tunnels and storage rooms I guess I would call them.  Usually found in school or factory basements (as opposed to the usual horror trope of sewers). That is a personal fear of mine that would be interesting to explore in this game.

A suggestion also, a few mannequins here and there in the retail areas.  They don't even have to be mobile or a threat.  Just more to look at and add to the uncanny valley effect.

I'm sure you're aware but try to make sure your game is over 2 hours long before you put it on steam. A LOT of people refund games under 2 hours whether they enjoyed it or not simply because steam lets them get their money back as long as they've played the game for less than 2 hours. It's become a real problem for indie devs on there.