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how to use the widget/embed for your game

A topic by Novai Games Studios created Jan 07, 2022 Views: 4,435 Replies: 4
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if you want to put your game on your website or on an comment, usually you put a link to your game but there is a better way, with the widget.

1. go to your dashboard

2. click widget on your game (you can also click the embed link at the bottom of a game page)

3. tweak the settings on the widget page (you will only be able to do this if it is your game page)

4. copy the html code below (don't worry if you don't understand html)

5. paste it where you want it to be (like your website, an comment

e.g. here is a popular game:

it works in a comment just not in my website

It ain't really an embed more like a link to Is it possible to really embed the game so that is is playable into my website?

I actually need the same thing. I was thinking to use put it into an iframe, then scroll the page by javascript, so only the canvas can be seen, that has the same size like the iframe on my webpage. However, I didn't try it yet, and maybe itchio uses a "break out of parent iframes" code that would prevent it.

If you have a website, then you could also host the game yourself, on your webpage, or register any ad-free free webspace and host it there. Download speed may be an issue on many free webspace hosts however.

Either way, would do well in offering seamless integration with nothing more than a discreet "Game Hosting kindly provided by" link.