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A topic by bugginman7 created Jan 09, 2022 Views: 6,150 Replies: 9
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The bitch that spams your email always kills me and i cant stop her help


If bot likes you she saves you. Otherwise tough luck.

Yes, but how does she like you? I've tried just about everything at this point.


Not trying to be a dick, but if the dev is telling u that the bot CAN like u and save u, then FOR A FACT U DIDNT TRY EVERYTHING.

(1 edit)

No I tried everything, I just never realized it was possible to wake her up. I didn't noticed it unlocked until it was too late to not restart


If She refuses to talk to you then you know you Fricked up. Don't be a Dick, give her head pats and talk to her.


Bro that's literally what I did. She never woke up or whatever. Took me a while to figure out that you unlocked that after a few days and I had to restart


Dude it also depends how you treated her from the start if you were nice or not  and if you didnt choose to treat her like shit if you did any of these you played yourself from the start

having sex  with her makes her dont like my?????      

(sorry for the bad english im brazilian)

basically if you keep having sex, some completely diferent woman you dont know will get ma and try to kill you