A fiendishly challenging pixel dungeon escape game. Can you defeat the dastardly Baron and escape his dungeons?
Inspired by perma-death hair-trigger action classics like the Binding of Isaac and the equally superb Nuclear Throne, this game calls for quick reflexes and careful timing to dodge attacks and take down the dungeon's evil inhabitants. Keep an eye out for useful gear to collect - it could just maybe give you the edge needed to survive...
Baron Backslash runs in the browser, needs a keyboard - and is completely free. The game is currently in a final release state and playable through to completion, but I have plenty of ideas for extra creatures, levels, bosses, dungeon variety, items and surprises that I'd love to add if there is any demand for it. So if you enjoy the game, please consider sharing it - and leave a comment to encourage me to add more content!
Good luck, Anonymous Victim...