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[Art] [Music] [Paid] Looking for a composer and artist for music for a Game Boy game and boxart

A topic by Arvex created Jan 10, 2022 Views: 490 Replies: 7
Viewing posts 1 to 7
(2 edits)

STATUS: Still looking for an artist. Discussing with musicians now.


Thank you for taking the time to look at my request. I'm currently looking for peopleto help with some of the polish for my game, Interceptor as I near completion of the game. 

Firstly, I need a composer to make music for my game. Because this game is being made for the original Game Boy, we will be working within its limitations. I'm looking for about 8-12 minutes of music composed using OpenMPT and the GBT-Player template.mod file (which I will provide.) The template file is built for the GBT-Player addon my game uses for music. It may be a while until we actually start on this, so I'm mostly looking for someone who would be interested once I settle on music direction.

An explanation of the specific template file can be found here:  YouTube Link for any musicians wishing to give this a try (the video is part of a series about making games for the Game Boy. Something I'd recommend for any C programmers who are interested in it.) This video outlines the process I used to make the placeholder music currently in my game. You won't need to go as far as compiling it into code for my development setup. All you need is the Template.mod and an OpenMPT install. I just need someone who can write music to create music using the MOD files that my tools use since I cannot write music to save my life. If you're familiar with this setup and have demos of your work you can send me, I'll gladly give them a listen.

Second, I need an artist to do box/label art for my game. I will provide reference images of the ships that would be portrayed on the boxart, possibly even a reference render of the 3D models that can be translated into 2D art. I'm looking for someone who can replicate the watercolor styling of boxart for a lot of the late 80s and early 90s games (a pair of examples would be the Japanese boxart for Solar Striker and Gradius/Nemesis.) It needs to be something that scales well between the size of a small sticker that will be on a physical cartridge and the full size box as I intend to use the same image for both (with some tweaks made for scaling.)

Payment will be sent on delivery of completed work. The payment amount can be discussed after we talk for a bit so you have a clear idea of what is expected of you before we discuss payment.

If you're interested or have more questions, just post your Discord tag or email and I will reach out to you. We can discuss pricing and look at samples of your work there.

You asking a lot for music, so i try to understand Trackers and it seems like there is a limitation on it.  The 64-bit can only work on 64-bit and 32-bit works in 32-bit,  unlike today's DAW software where we have a software/paid to get both together. I would have to work on many projects and limit myself to certain VST, as well as not using advance VST plugins or stored brought VST.

If limitation isn't bad enough, i have to learn how this software works. Most musician like myself have only learn by DAW, compose or by real instruments, this software is like ancient DAW it predates VST files.  i dont think it is that bad it seems like the standard piano i think just with numbers but then i don't know how to change  the pitch or volume or speed.  The best way i found to avoid all the OpenMPT learning  crove is by this video explain how to import midi to make mod format:  

Still this doesn't fix the limits of VST which brings some problems itself. There are free VST yes, but some are not for commercial usage i would have to look and confirm , you may also not like the free versions because free ones aren't the best or are sound record put into VST (long  technical story). Also i like to ask why make it into a gameboy file that only works on gameboy emulator in today's gaming. if this was a simple "make music file with gameboy limits" i would have easy make it in my DAW with gameboy VST i had around. Then  you would release it as a windows/mac/linux program for people to buy, i just don't understand why the big limit to only gameboy.

Thank you for that video link and taking the time to reply. That looks like it might be a bit more in depth than the video I had available. I must have overlooked it because I didn't know GB Studio also used GBT-Player until now.

I think there might be a misunderstanding as to what I'm trying to do. I'm not looking for a music file made within the limits of a Game Boy's hardware, I need to use OpenMPT and that restrictive template file for GBT-Player because I'm making a Game Boy game meant to run on emulators and real hardware.

Importing MIDI files was how I made the two placeholder songs that are currently in my game.

Hey! I'm Jake Loranger, a composer / sound designer. I've never worked with trackers before, so OpenMPT would be new to me, but I took a look at the video you linked and I don't think I'd have any trouble using it — actually, I would welcome to opportunity to give it a try, since it seems like a really interesting way to write music.

My Discord is _amrnthne#9499, and you can find my portfolio here. I have some more specific examples of my work that I can give you as well, but I'll save that for after you've sent me a message. Cheers!

- Jake


I would be interested to know more about the game and audio mechanics. I have mostly worked with sibelius, I don’t know if you know the program; it is a notation software and has a great library. 

I have worked with trackers before and it is a bit limiting but that was the charm back then. 

Here is my email and soundcloud.


- Emanuele 

Hello there! My name is Adam Gifford and I am a composer based in Columbus, OH. I would love to be a part of Interceptor and to take on the opportunity of learning OpenMT and collaborating with you. Would love to take the conversation further. You can check out some of my work Here or contact me by Discord:  GiffordMusic#3644 or by email:

Hey Arvex, 

My names Matt and I'm a Composer. Very interested in this. I have used various trackers over the years so I dont see the transition to OpenMPT being an issue. I'll drop a link to a playlist for you below.

Feel free to drop me a line at the email below to chat more: 

Take care


Hello. Lefty here!  
I'm an artist who specialized in  UI design and background illustrations.
I'm interested in creating  box/label art for your game.  
You can check out my works below , feel free to contact me if you found anything relevant to your  game art.



Discord: theresNoTeaLEFT#3058
