So, I'm currently on mobile, but may get the Desktop version. I made a 4000-star Earth map and I am trying to emulate the modern global borders, politics, alliances, wars, nation types, nation traits, etc.
Problem is, due to a mix of map projection distortion and unrealistically high productivity at high latitudes compared to what it should be, places like Alaska, Canada, Greenland are obscenely overpowered. Whereas Canada should realistically have comparable GDP, population, and potential military capabilities to California or something, with a thin strip of arable land along its southern border, it has 50% more in-game land area and therefore wealth than the entire USA.
So the question is, how do I downgrade the quality of northern Canada and such? Ideally I would cut the wealth down from like 5.0 to like 0.25 or something except again for a thin strip along the US-Canada border.