please assist on how to use the attachfile method. I am a non coder.
I created a button in form and in the feedbackForm script I created the public void AttachFile. But don’t know what should be inside the method??
Easy Feedback brings detailed player feedback and bug reporting to your Unity game directly to you! · By
For the AttachFile method you'll need to provide some kind of file data or a path to the file to send with the report, as outlined in the documentation here. I'm not aware of any non-code ways to provide those parameters. Unfortunately, Unity also does not provide any easy way to let a player browse for files to attach.
I did find this package that provides a file browser for Windows/Mac/Linux: https://github.com/gkngkc/UnityStandaloneFileBrowser. It also would require some code to use though.
With it, you might be able to create a script like this:
public class AttachFile : MonoBehaviour { public FeedbackForm form; public void GetAttachment() { var paths = StandaloneFileBrowser.OpenFilePanel("Open File", "", "", false); foreach (var path in paths) { form.CurrentReport.AttachFile(Path.GetFileName(path), path); } } }
You could call the GetAttachment method from your button and it should do the rest, but I haven't tested this.