"A strange girl talks to you. She seems suspicious."
Mayan is a short game where a random girl starts talking to you, for the better ... Or worse. Uncover what she wants and what she has to hide without getting- Erm fooled.
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Inspiration :
This project is a small one-week-one-shot based on an idea I got while travelling. Bored to death looking at the fleeing landscape, I thought : Hey, what if I was stuck in a time loop ? And got murdered a bunch of times, of course. So I frankensteined this together, creating a melting-pot of several inspirations. Here is a non exhaustive list :
- You know how in Madoka Magika, you've got cute magical girls and then BAM! (Spoilers ahead) Murder time loop. Well that's the idea. Plus, It subverses expectations beautifully.
- Do you know the Yandere sterotype in anime ? Yeah, just like Yuno Gasai in Mirai Nikki. Well that's that.
- This video is freaking cool.
- Obviously, this disaster of a game ...
- Bonus : Do you know what Mayan stands for ? Take a guess ... No ? Well, it's short for "Ma Yandere" or "My Yandere" in english.
Screenshots :