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It's like FTL but multiplayer :) · By Spektor

ConcurrentModificationException after KEK with super sensors

A topic by Ryu_Dragoon created Feb 23, 2022 Views: 346 Replies: 3
Viewing posts 1 to 4

We are playing the game with 5 users
we got the super sensor in the USC and after the new coordinates at the KEK for the prototype, we get this java.util.ConcurrentModificationException and the server crashed.
We use the 0831 version


        at java.base/java.util.ArrayList$Itr.checkForComodification(

        at java.base/java.util.ArrayList$

        at tk.spgames.spaceteamserver.e.a(Unknown Source)

        at moo.fJ.aD(Unknown Source)

        at moo.fJ.aP(Unknown Source)

        at moo.fJ.av(Unknown Source)

        at moo.fJ.a(Unknown Source)

        at moo.bx.t(Unknown Source)

        at moo.bx.e(Unknown Source)

        at tk.spgames.spaceteamserver.e.aW(Unknown Source)

        at Source)

        at java.base/

additional informations:
after trigger the DF event and add the new vars (coordinates, ...)
the save routine starts more then normal.
after some minutes, a save loop starts (save the game thousand times) and after some seconds in this loop the ConcurrentModificationException is thrown

if i stop the save loop with /exit
i can see, that the ships in the DF target sector are not complete and NPCs are missing.


Strange, nobody else encountered this issue before. Please try the newest release.

i couldn't override the old project with the new version, i got an IndexOutOfBoundsException
after restart from scratch i found more bugs and post a new issue: