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Bite-Sized Tutorial 4 - UI Components

A topic by ACM Studio created Mar 02, 2022 Views: 504 Replies: 1
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Image with controller to the side, titled "UI Elements"

UI Elements in Unity

(by Faustine)

The Unity User Interface (UI) system offers a variety of built-in elements and components that may be helpful while you are creating your games! Here is a list of some major UI elements in Unity. 

Play around with them and check out their different features and components!

Image of Main Menu Design in Unity


Image of Button UI

A button element in Unity.
  • As the name suggests, buttons allow you to create interactive buttons in the game! You can use them to create menu buttons or to represent any action done via a single click/tap.
  • Notes: 
    • Connect to functions from “On Click ()” under the Button Component in the inspector (inspector > button component > OnClick()).
    • Transition Types (color tint, sprite swap, animation) determine how the button looks when clicked on or disabled.
    • Automatic navigation may cause your button to stay “clicked.” Turn it off to remove that effect (This may affect button interactions with controllers 🎮).

Text (TextMesh Pro)

Image of Text UI, saying "New Text"

A TextMesh Pro Text element in Unity.
  • Text (TextMesh Pro) allows you to create text for things like titles, labels, and descriptions in your game!
  • Notes:
    • Why we recommend TextMesh Pro (TM Pro): unlike normal text, TextMesh Pro stays crisp at any size and includes many additional options for customization.
    • You can import your own fonts through TextMesh Pro font asset creation.
    • You can explore the different formatting options, including the “auto size” function (note that auto size may incur performance costs)!
    • To edit TextMesh Pro text in code:
      • using TMPro;
      • TextMeshProUGUI example;
      • example.text = "whatever you want here";


Image of a Unity Image UIImage of Unity Image UI, with a picture of a landscape

An image element in Unity. Image element before and after displaying a picture of a landscape.
  • Images can take in sprites (source images) to display them! You can use them to make menu backgrounds, displays, profiles, and more.
  • Notes:
    • What are panels?
      • You may notice something called “panels” when you create UI elements in the scene: they are just images! The image components on panels are preset to some specific values, and may be convenient for creating menus and displays.


Image of Slider UI

A slider element in Unity.
  • Sliders are used to represent values that are within a certain range (for example, from 0-1), such as volume, text speed, and text size. 
  • Notes:
    • The sliding direction can be adjusted in the slider component: it can be left to right, right to left, bottom to top, and top to bottom.
    • The "min” and ”max" values are what the slider knob represents at each end of the slider area (0-1 normally).
    • Check the "whole numbers" box to slide up in whole-number increments.
    • "Value" returns the value the slider knob represents.



Image of a Toggle UI

A Toggle element in Unity
  • Toggles can be used to represent values that can be switched on or off, such as full screen or windowed options, mute or unmute, stonks or no stonks.
  • Notes: 
    • "Is On" adjusts whether the toggle is switched on/off.
    • The visuals of the toggle are children of the Toggle game object, you can customize them as needed.
    • If you have mutually exclusive options (such as a multiple choice question with a single answer), toggle groups may come in handy.
    • Toggle labels do not have a built-in TextMesh Pro option, you can add one as needed.

Input Field

Image of an input field UI

An input field element in Unity.

Dropdown Menu

Image of a dropdown menu UI

A dropdown menu in Unity.

Scroll View

Image of a scroll view UI

A scroll view element in Unity.
  • Can’t fit everything on screen at once? Use a scroll view! It is conveniently built-in, and is made up of a few components, including scroll bars, a scroll rect, a mask and an image.
  • Notes:
    • The mask component in the scroll view hides game objects that are outside of the view port (the box on screen)
      • masks can be used in other contexts as well (such as in health bars)
    • You can toggle whether it supports vertical or horizontal scrolling
    • Consider using layout components in the Content child object (Scroll View > Viewport > Content) to organize the content in the scroll view: 
      • Content size fitter: if you need objects to scale according to the number of objects present
      • Vertical/horizontal layout group for things to distribute evenly and stay aligned
(1 edit) (+1)
Additional Materials

Additional Materials

Key Points in UI:

  • Anchoring + Pivot: determines how UI will scale and move when the screen or its parent resizes and moves
  • Canvas settings are important
    • Rule of thumb: Set your canvas to “scale with screen size,” reference resolution to a desired aspect ratio (such as 1920 x 1080), so that your UI scales according to your screen

On Optimization/Workflow

  • Turn off "raycast target" if it doesn’t need to be clickable
  • Can toggle canvas component to enable or disable canvas objects (vs. setting active or inactive for the entire game object)
  • Scale uniformly by clicking and dragging scale tool center
  • Hold shift/alt to set pivot or scale while setting anchor presets

Helpful Links

Check out our ACM Studio UI Tutorial

The Unity documentation for each UI component is linked in the images!