The Daemos Chronicles: Graduation Day is a stand-alone installment of The Daemos Chronicles, an ongoing high fantasy series that involve adventures of a spiritual nature. Taking place in a world where humans are an endangered species, living amongst creatures of myth, mankind has searched within themselves and learned to unlock the power of the spirit.
In Graduation Day, players take the role of a student that attends the village academy. Starting with the graduation ceremony, players choose a starting class to master before they can learn the skills of another faction. Each class comes with a set of courses that teach the player more about their chosen faction and skills.
The playable demo has about an hour of game time, more for someone picking it up for the first time. Acting as a long tutorial, players learn the basic mechanics of the game, how to farm and trade with merchants, and take on small side quests that eventually turn into major narrative milestones.
In future installments, players will be able to dive deeper into the Universe of The Daemos Chronicles, eventually travelling to other lands, learning magick, and even traversing to the Spirit World. Taking place in a timeline that acts as a prequel to the main storyline, players will be able to play the role of important characters that make up the history of The Daemos Chronicles and even interact with a major character from the book.
Written by myself,
with art from Robert Pinero -
and custom programming from Toby Yasha -
I welcome you to explore The Daemos Chronicles: Graduation Day. You can reach me through my itch.o page or my Patreon -
And for information on the Universe of The Daemos Chronicles, I have additional media here -
The Daemos Chronicles: Graduation Day Project Page -