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Recommendations for learning Unity Programming ?

A topic by stardustjessie created Mar 15, 2022 Views: 318 Replies: 4
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Hi, I'm trying to get into game development and start making games with Unity, opposed to RPG maker like I've done since I was a kid. But I can't really find any TEXT based explanations. Best I found was Unity's own teaching videos, but I cannot get behind videos, I'm look for text based. Like books, something I can keep reading and learning. Any recommendations ?

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Catlikecoding suits perfectly for you needs:

Unity C# and Shader Tutorials (

Thank you so much! This is exactly what I needed!


I don't use Unity now but I remember looking and reading through these while learning:


My learn Unity book is very obsolete (2014) but the chapter projects are on github and in the last chapter everything is converted to C# and was working as of a couple of years ago, maybe you'll find it useful.