On floor 1 I picked up all the points.
On floor 2 I picked up all the points.
On floor 3 I picked up all the points.
On floor 4 I didn't pick up any points, but I did learn that moving any part of your mech onto the elevator sends you to the next floor.
That left only floor 5. I methodically eliminated the enemies until no one was left. At this point I just needed to hack the two remaining score blocks and exit victorious. Easy, I had about 6 vital, plenty of buffer to retry the hacking until I succeeded. The first score block presented no problem, so I moved on to the final score block, worth 1 point. I started the hacking minigame. I had successfully hacked pretty much everything that could be hacked over the course of this game, failure was extremely unlikely. I got into the familiar hacking loop: Run the valid commands, free, then load. Run the commands, free, load. Only a couple rows left, the points would soon be mine. Right as I was entering the load command once again, out of the corner of my eye I noticed the timer counting down to 21 microseconds. Frantically, I tried to enter the exit command, but it was too late.
Intrusion detected.