Hey everyone! Since I'm now working on fixing a bunch of bugs and overall making sure things work better, I thought I'd quickly give you guys a rundown on how to use the console in the game, so you can mess around a little more! Maybe find some things you haven't before :>
To open the console, while in game, in one of the maps, press F2.
At this point you can type in commands, I'll list all the important ones here:
- help (OPTIONAL) "command name" - list all the commands, or give help for a specific command
- echo "string" - echoes back a string
- give_item "item name" - gives you an item. Pick from the list the command offers you!
- remove_item "item name" - removes an item from the inventory. Pick from the list the command offers you!
- loadmap "map name" - loads a specific map, pick from the list the command offers you, or you might find yourself in an unexpected place :>
- noclip - Enables noclip, but also not really.
- exit - Exits the game
- draw_fps "on" - enable or disable drawing FPS ("on", "off")
- godmode "on" - toggle taking no health damage ("on", "off")
- goddessmode "on" - toggle taking no corruption damage ("on", "off")
- show_gpu_in_use - prints out the name of the currently used Graphics device (eg: NVIDIA GTX 970)
- hitme - lowers your HP to 1
Meanwhile I'll be cooking up a new patch soon, which should improve stability a lot!
Have fun!