Right Place. Wrong Time.
Seeking aid after a wreck, you stumble upon the quaint, tightly knit community of Bright Oak-- some 45 years outside of your intended travel plans, and struggling with their own troubles in the wake of a mysterious catastrophe. Finding a path back to your own timeline won’t be easy. Abandoning the townspeople to their fate might be even harder.
- Nameable protagonist with choice of pronouns (she/he/they) and a mind of their own;
- Multiple branching routes in response to significant player choices;
- An ensemble of five primary characters, providing a variety of perspectives and alternate story paths;
- Visual sensitivity and dyslexia-friendly gameplay options;
- Failure in the game is nearly impossible-- but success is far from assured!
Bright Oak is a heavily character-driven visual novel with elements of science fiction. Discover the tragic secrets behind Bright Oak’s preternatural dilemma; find friendship, or possibly love (characters are not gender-locked to pronoun choice, romance and friendship paths given equal weight); save the town and make your way home-- and if at first you don’t succeed, try, try again!

Demo out now!
Hello, and thanks for taking a peek! I'm B., and I'm finally at a point where I'm comfortable sharing the existence of this project, which has been near and dear to my heart for a few years now.
Where in the process is Bright Oak?
Words? The script is complete, and I'm currently hard at work programming the beast, with a massive assist from Wudgeous (highly recommend the demo for their game, Herotome, if you aren't familiar!). The demo comprises the first act of three, and clocks in at just shy of 40,000 words; the total script is in the neighborhood of 225,000.
Art? The absolutely-positively-radiantly-and-gloriously talented Remnantation is at the helm for the character art, and finishing up some final touches before pivoting to work on CGs. Backgrounds are proceeding apace, with at present some 79 finished (inclusive of lighting variations), and likely in the neighborhood of 15 to go.
Music? John Åhlin has created an absolutely brilliant, Ennio Morricone / 1960s Western-influenced fever dream. Yes, there will be a soundtrack DLC.🎶
Thanks again for checking this all out! I'd love any feedback folks have to offer on the pitch so far, and I'm happy to answer any questions I can, as well! Advice is also very very welcome, as I'm a first-timer to making a game, and this has proven a delightful, if exhausting, challenge.
All the best, and I look forward to sharing more soon!