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Anemoiapolis: Chapter 1

Explore old malls, empty water parks, and existential dread · By Andrew Quist

Game becomes unplayable at low FPS?

A topic by outcubed created May 01, 2022 Views: 255 Replies: 1
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Just to preface this, i bought this game yesterday because i love liminal spaces, i have a low end pc but i thought i would be fine with playing with just less fps, so i start the game and i cannot jump over the first obstacle, turns out you need good fps to be able to jump, i turn down my resolution which helps just enough for me to jump over the first obstacle, i get to the pool level and i need to jump over the railing on the diving board thing, well i cant do this because i do not have enough fps. Please fix this soon, i dont want the 6$ i spent to go to waste


I'm sorry about this! I have a much much much more robust control system in the works right now that will work great for you on final release. I've tested it on sub-10 fps and it's doing great. If you do not want to wait, you can request a refund as described here.