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Looking to start a team! [Unity][Programmer][Art][Level Design]

A topic by Ganx Studio created May 11, 2022 Views: 559 Replies: 6
Viewing posts 1 to 12

I'm James, I've been developing games since 2018 and I'd like to start a team to help me more efficiently bring my ideas to life. I'm a programmer and I mainly use Unity C# and JavaScript but I know other languages as well. For games I have in production there's only one and it's called Homeworld Takedown, it's a top-down wave shooter. I have one game in preproduction that I'd like to get off the ground, it's called Dill Smith. It's a rpg that focuses a lot on story. You can learn more about it here:

Positions I would like:

1 programmer: To help me out.

1-2 artists: That can work with unique character designs and turn them into pixel art. Also must be able to animate.

1-2 level/puzzle designers

When the games release we will split the profit. If you are interested add me on discord: jamesmr3#3236

Yo ! If you are intersted, i can propose you my song ! Give me a reference and I'll do a song in the genre !

Deleted 1 year ago

Hey, I would like to work in a project, even tho I haven't work in a project like this before, I can defend myself in 2D art, pixel art, and I'm also a composer of almost every type of music genre and also I'm a novice writter
You can see my art on my twitter:

And some of the music I have composed:

(1 edit)

I'd love to have you on the team! Do you have a discord?

Yes, My discord is Bletz#7178

I sent you a friend request


I am interested. but your discord user name is not valid I think.

Please connect with me:

Skype - live:.cid.baff7c7dd9471b54

Discord- Trish Cis#5536

