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Option to threaten Argos?

A topic by Throwaway91 created May 18, 2022 Views: 469 Replies: 10
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I’m sorry if this is gonna sound mean, but why am I entertaining Argos’ nonsense? He’s clearly harmless, Wouldn’t it make more sense to say “hand over the mirror or I’ll tell the gods on you” or simply “give it to me before I hit you”?

This guy has been skulking around beating defenseless prisoners because his lineage and some brat told him to. Tell me that’s not a reason to at least smack him upside the head. I just think it’s kinda weird I get to be a dick to Asterion who doesn’t deserve it, but I don’t get to be a dick to argos who totally does. 

Because Argos is a good boy and did nothing wrong. You will understand if you play the ruthless chapters.

see, that’s the thing. The ruthless route exists, you can be a dick to Asterion. I think I should therefore be able to ruthless to Argos. All Argos had to do to avoid this reaction would be to give me the mirror as a show of good faith  and use the wine as a bargaining chip later instead. At least, that’s what I would do if I wanted to manipulate me. 

he has sucesfully manipulated you already. seriously, you don't know him at all.

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I don’t like him, And i scrutinize his every word, so he has me where he wants me? I don’t see your point. The way I see it, I just tricked him into handing over hestia’s mirror without signing his clearly sus contract. I’m winning, not him. 


i will not discuss this further because spoilers. but trust me, you winning, makes him win.

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Then I suppose I have no quarrel with him. My goal is to protect Asterion and locate all remaining gods. So if my success is his success, I can ignore him for the time being. 


you need to continue the story.... no rush

Your fight isn't with Argos, but you won't know that until farther into the story...

Trust me

I tricked him into handing over the bottle. Even if my fight was with him, it’s not anymore. I already got what I came for. Now it’s time to focus on my new enemy;  Athena. This is all her fault. 

Now that... Yeah I'll agree with, Athena seems like a $@#&