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[unpaid] [artist] [programmer] Looking for a small team

A topic by LoganDanielle94 created May 19, 2022 Views: 465 Replies: 5
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Hi, I'm Logan a recent college graduate who's currently trying to build up a writing portfolio. At the moment I have four small projects either fully written or just needs editing. I am looking to find multiple artists and a programmer who'd be willing to help me bring these games to life. Right now they are solely narrative based games but I'd love to seem them expanded on. I'm also currently working on a larger project but haven't fully fleshed out the specifics. 

For the four smaller projects I haven't decided on any specific art style so if you are looking for a project or looking to gain some experience please feel free to reach out. My discord is Logan M#5057.

(2 edits)

Hi LoganDanielle94, is it okay to ask for advice for a few sentences, probably at most 5? I wrote a narration about a story and wanted it to read like the dialogues in Hollow Knight but I'm not a native English speaker.

As an exchange I can probably help you to make a quick demo of one of your small project made in Ren'py. Maybe a two-minute game that has your narrative. If you're interested, you can reply to this comment.

Edit: A week of developing the demo. Sorry that I didn't specify any ETA.
Edit (2): My game's narrative demo: Yggdrasil (Demo)

Hello,  I ran through the demo game. What specifically would you like feedback on?

Hey. thanks for checking the demo.  Maybe a help for the grammar, and personality of the characters to get the right 'feel' for the game. I've also sent you a Friend Request on Discord named: armanlonedev#8239 I hope that we can talk about it there.

Hello Logan, 

I sent you a friend request over discord (TrinketCrow#4230). 

I can potentially help with 2D art for one of your small projects.  You can reply here or contact me through Discord. 

Hello Mr. Danielle, I am a beginner composer looking for work and would be more than thrilled to help out with this project if you would have me, i sent you a discord friend request under the username dogedisciple.