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Anemoiapolis: Chapter 1

Explore old malls, empty water parks, and existential dread · By Andrew Quist

Kept crashing at the beginning?

A topic by NightcoreSkies created Jun 03, 2022 Views: 521 Replies: 6
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I don't quite understand why this kept happening, even after adjusting my graphics settings. Any solutions?


Odd. Is it in the same spot every time? My first instinct is that a particle effect in the later section is trying to run on a GPU that it can't use/find. What is your current processor and graphics card?

Yep, it was on the same spot, every time I face the bridge, that happens.  Also, my CPU is an i5-7300U and my GPU is an Intel HD 62.

DO  take note that, there was NO lagging,  there was NO stuttering and FPS were going at an expected rate. (Rounding to 60FPS, or something)

I also found out that when I went to Event Viewer, they told me that Unity was the faulting Module and the game was the faulting program (That's correct), so yeah. 

I have this exact issue. Whenever I face the diving board sign, the game instantly crashes. Otherwise runs smoothly. I've even found that if I go backwards through this part I can progress through the rest of the game, so long as I'm always backwards. Any updates?


Good to know that I'm not alone lol. Nope, I haven't got any updates, so I'm waiting for my other desktop to arrive at the moment, it's with an AMD CPU and Graphics, so I'll let you know after doing testing on it.

Ok, so... I know it has been a damn long time but I'll just update you that I managed to beat the game using a different laptop (I think it was an Acer with AMD Ryzen ?) with no problem. I think it's prob because of GPU overload on Intel lol.

Thank you so much for thinking to respond! Guess I'll have to wait on an upgrade to enjoy this gem then.