Hi !
I'm Nadg, a french TTRPGer trying to become freelance. French TTRPG has a growing community, but is not always the most inclusive. I'm trying to change that around me by writing small documents on "how to represent XXX people" in TTRPG. In French, as there is almost no ressources in French, and in English too because I can.
I'm currently working on "how to represent LGBTQIA+ in TTRPG". While I'm directly concerned by non-binarity, gayness and asexuality, I'm not (to the best of my knowledge) intersex. After non-binarity, transidentity, LGBP, aro-aces and polyA, I'd love to add an "intersex" document to the collection.
I found you on twitter, and thought that maybe you could help me? I'm reaching to you here too, just in case - and because it allows me to add more details on what I do ;-)
If you want to check the kind of stuff I do, I've just translated the "non-binary" document : https://nadg.itch.io/non-binarity-en
Hoping you will see this message,