Currently I'm finding myself going back and forth between the object list and the editor view while trying to pick out the right piece for my model and being like...
- "nah, not this piece"
- "nope, thats not the one either"
- "eh, this one looked a bit different in the thumbnail than I expected"
- "hmm close, but the block I'm looking for needs more X"
- "ah finally, this one suits perfectly"
And it feels like the same process repeats with every new block that I add to my model - working feels slow and cumbersome. My workflow could be sped up greatly if I had a hotkey to tap and cycle to the next/previous block on the currently opened list of objects - with the block that is in my hand instantly swapping to the next/previous one in the editor view.
Could a 'next/previous block' hotkey(s) be added into Asset Forge or something similar, like 'hold down F + scroll mousewheel up/down' to cycle to next/previous block?