I am unable to use GMLive in games that invoke any skeleton_* function. The log reads: `skeleton_bone_state_get` is not a function or script.
Should I be experiencing this error?
Code and asset live-reloading for GameMaker! · By
Hello! It would seem like I had skeleton_ functions excluded from automatic exposure to GMLive.
I'm honestly not entirely sure why, might have been some sort of issue with GMS1 (which wouldn't let you compile a game with mentions of skeleton functions without Pro edition).
I'll take a look at that for the next release but meanwhile you can workaround this by making small wrapper scripts, e.g.
/// skeleton_bone_state_get_w return skeleton_bone_state_get(argument0, argument1)
and then calling those when working with them from GMLive-enabled code.
I uploaded another version now.
Basically, what's happening is that when someone finds a bug that break's GMLive's compiler, or when I'm experimenting with something that involves changing how compilation is handled, I enable a flag that adds that line (showing the script chain that executed before yielding a compilation error) and one other. Then I sometimes forget to disable it before uploading and you get this. I have now stripped it out for good because I think this is the third time this happened.