like really those crystal is really fast
Hentai RPG Maker game · By
You meant the race in the nature dungeon below the big tree? If the crystals re-appear almost immediately, try to go back out of the dungeon and re-enter it, to reset the timer. If it's close, you can just re-try it a bunch of times, as every try slightly increases the timer to ensure that everyone gets it eventually.
I agree this puzzle just isn't laptop friendly, I have clicked on the switch (i assume it is the click bhind the tree at the top of the maze) many time and still usually fail to make it, on the few time I have made it pass red if I mess up again I have to go back to red, so... frustrating, I even changed the option to always dash (which I don't like). Please help, of at least confirm I am on the right path. I play the game for the story / characters, not puzzles.