Didn't play the first game, and not seen any media so fresh eyes here!
- Choosing a class for you commander - I was confused by this at first, suggest adding a clear heading as to the current choice (took me a moment to notice it in the description).
- Also a default name/call sign/surname would be good, I skipped entering these so kept seeing ''''. If this is a rogue-like, a default would help.
- Escape key doesnt close windows (relationships panel, loadout screen).
- Grenade item - I expected to throw this, so wasted the turn (I know the description says drop, but thats not how you use a grenade).
- Tried 3 games, and ending with < black screen > 'you commander died', would be nice to see how / what killed him. I encountered a patriach(sp?) early in my second game, seemed to be 1 damage per hit, and had 12 (or more hit points). I did head straight to a planet, but wasn't immediately obvious this was a tougher map than others (if that is the case!)
- 1 hit kills from enemies you haven't seen is a bit harsh, maybe just drop to 1 hp?
- Overall found the maps very dark, doors were hard to make out on the spaceship level, and the lens flares/glows were a bit much.
- Exit button on main menu doesn't appear to work.