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[Group-project][Party-game] Looking for a few people to make a game, and get some experience with a team.

A topic by Catbugpig created May 01, 2018 Views: 869 Replies: 20
Viewing posts 1 to 8
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Hi my name is Jacob. I'm a unity C# programmer with some experience but a lot to learn. I am currently 16, and have been making games for 3-4 years, but only started using unity 1-2 years ago.

I'm specifically looking to make a party game. Looking for at least an artist, but another programmer would be nice. If you would like to, we can do a game jam. I'm mostly just looking to get some experience working with others.

Hey! Maybe we can game jam sometime? Or meetup on google hangouts to talk about ideas.


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Sounds great. When would be a good time?

I freelance on the PST so whenever's good for you.


Me and RaedTabani are doing the weekly Game jam tomorrow and we need an artist (3D or 2D), I'm about to make another post looking for an artist so if your interested reply their. Also do you have discord?

I can't make it tomorrow, but if it's weekly thing, I'd like to make it to one in the future. There are some things up in the air right now so I can't yet make a commitment, but next week might be possible.

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My discord is MikeBierek#5922

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Hey Jacob 

I'm raed also a c# programmer and similar years of experience in unity . I'm looking to join a couple of currently on going game jams and looking to team up for fun. Let me know if it intrested

Definitely, do you have Discord?

Sure its


Add me

Whats your tag?

Or let me add you what's Ur 

Just sent a request. Its Catbugpig.

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If you need any music, I would love to help out! Me and my partner write in a lot of styles, from chip tune to fully orchestrated pieces. 


Sounds awesome, I'll let you know.

Hi guys, my names Jason. I have a mixed skill bag of overall game design, mainly programming then art. I'm currently looking for a hobby project for fun and people to collaborate with.  I'm not really into a   jam but more of a longer lasting project, or even  projects. I can take the role  of  an artist / modeler if you need one. I'm pretty decent at picking apart gameplay and mechanics for the perfect feel. I have Discord "YWing_992"  "#5906". Add me if you can spare a spot, I'd like to work on a project.

Heyo jacob, if you want some team experience im trying to build a small team of devs for small fun games. Right now we are working on a top down wave survival game.  If you are interested even just a little bit hit me up

Definitely, do you have a discord account?

phoenix#6766   if you want to talk

Just sent you a friend request. My profile is Catbugpig#3278