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Monster Bride

Explore a world of Monsters that seek only to impregnate you! · By MonsterBrideDev

Bugs! Sticky

A topic by MonsterBrideDev created Jul 27, 2022 Views: 1,310 Replies: 39
Viewing posts 1 to 17

If you find a bug in the game, post it here and I will do my best to fix it!

The way you fixed the earlier error when clearing the description lists (by adding the 'null' string) has now caused another bug - the string is not removed when adding an additional descriptor, causing the parser to sometimes describe your 'null X' instead, due the randomizer returning the string 'null' instead of one of the other available strings.


Bodytype: null,young,youthful
Bodyshape: slender,thin
Example Sentence:
The goblin stares lustfully at your thin, null body.


Thanks for the info, I will look into it to see what I can do here.


Should be resolved with the latest patch.


There is a bug in the new goblin slave section: the counter showing how many egg you birthed while in slavery doesn't go up no matter how many times your birthed an egg.


This issue is now fixed. Thanks for reporting it.

(1 edit) (+3)

3 Bugs. 1: Even after obtaining the goblin titles being defeated by goblins will show the title unlocked announcement. 2:  Giving birth will show the text as though you are enslaved and immediately result in being enslaved. 3: Sleeping with the door unlocked after two dog encounters results in an occasional blank space between start and end text, implying there should be some sort of encounter, but there is nothing.


Thanks for letting me know about these issues. They should all be fixed now.

When you fail to pay the money and get visited at your home by the big black guy, should it be game over? because I get stuck there.


This section isn't ready yet and you should get a message that reflects that. Try the latest build to see if that fixes it.

(2 edits)

2 Bugs. 1: During the anal give birth to dog the text begins with [The (if:) changer should be stored in a variable or attached to a hook.] and no egg is added into the inventory. 2: After escaping the goblins instead of the debt date being pushed back it goes to the unfinished collection scene if not paid. Additionally did not yet check if paying functions because the punishment scene breaks the Go Back function.

Developer (1 edit)

Thank you for reporting these! All of them should be fixed in the next build!

Bug 1: Birthed eggs of any type were not added to inventory. Bug 2: Being bred overwrites the egg type of current pregnancies. Bug 3: After using all of the dog food the option to put food away remained, and the dog event still triggered nightly. Selecting the option worked as intended though. Bug 4: The "Coming Soon" event trigger prevents undoing actions beyond that point.


Thank you again for these reports! Very helpful! All fixed in the latest build.

Bug 1: When opening the chest in Jackbunny Plains it loaded outcomes all with their own Leave option, one of which was the chest being empty. Bug 2?: As a breeding slave the impregnation occurs even if you escape on the day.


Thank you for the reports!

I fixed the issue with the chest so that should work as indented now.

The breeding slave issue with getting impregnated on the day you escape was intended to work that way so you don't come away empty handed from the event. If you have other suggestions though I'm open to them.

Well the suggestion would be to put the option to escape below the text of the day's events, that way the implication is set for it occur after rather than before. It could even be it's own section along the lines of "later that night you think you have an opportunity to escape".


Not a bad Idea! Thanks!

idk if its a bug or if I just missed something but I'm getting "image not found" errors

(1 edit)

same, idk what to do about it

the dev is said the website he used for the pictures did not like them and stopped showing them

1: Dropbox does not contain zip to download or extract, and as such the images do not work. 2: In Fap Mode selecting a location and then selecting "leave" instead triggers the post-defeat scene. 3: Possibly a feature, but likewise going to a location in town and leaving results in a time change. 4: When loading a save the game resets the character to the default name and descriptors.


Thanks for the reports, working on fixing these.


I fixed most of these in the latest update, as for the time change in town, this should only happen during specific events. It should not happen when simply traveling and no events are triggered.

Thanks again for reporting the bugs.

(1 edit)

If you've paid off your debt, debt collectors still come at  the end of the time period to take another 25 gold.

Skills of Judas blessing doesn't seem to be removed after 7 days. Currently have -1 days left on mine. Edit: If you cleanse the blessing at the Church, you can't seem to get another. Says you already have another blessing.


thanks for the reports, I'll look into these ASAP


Took care of the debt bug. It will be in the next update tomorrow.

As for the blessing issue, you can only get one blessing a day. Even if you cleanse that blessing, you need to wait until the next day to get another one.

Thanks for the reports!

have you checked the sub reddit

(1 edit)

1.  Upon winning the Alpha Wolf fight, there is no option to continue, and you can't back out of the fight either, so either you get stuck or are forced to surrender.

2. No prompt stating loss of virginity to Alpha Wolf.

3. No saved files under "Current saved games" in "load a previous save", even if you clearly saved.

4. Quite a few Grammer errors in the Alpha Wolf den, just thought I'd mention this.

5. In the singular DataSets "Breast" and "Nipple" the game has a sort of error, stating in the description that it can't display a value of 0. If I remember correctly, you can fix it by either pressing "Default" or "Clear", which changes the description to its proper form.

Also do take into consideration that I am using Joiplay :)


Hello! Thanks for the reports!

1. Fixed the error when winning the Alpha Wolf fight.

2. Fixed the Virginity loss prompt for Alpha Wolf

3. So this error is most likely due to you playing in Joiplay. I have not tested this, but the saved games rely on browser cookies to work, so make sure that cookies are enabled in the browser you are using. 

4. The grammar will be fixed in the next major update.

5. Fixed this error too, it was a missing dataset in the Manual setup

Thanks again for the reports!

I am still stuck, when winning against the Alpha Wolf. I am on 0.24.4.

I used the Rar for custom picture tho.

Is this still the old version?


This will be fixed in the new update.

(1 edit)

When encountering goblins with the choker equipped (so the event with the goblin squad) the only option you have is surrender but it throws you into a fight with homeless man and, again, only option is surrender. Probably cuz i have very high risk factor on my clothing.

Edit: can confirm it's the risk factor, when i went for the same event with risk factor lower than "very high" the event throws me against alpha wolf now, still no correct goblin event tho

I've been having a similar issue with the Alpha Wolf thing, whenever giving birth to a dog egg, you get thrown into the alpha wolf den. Sometimes just the birth event and then back to home, and sometimes you have to stay a few days pregnant before birth


I have not been able to recreate the dog egg birth bug that sends you to the alpha wolf den. If you have any more information that would help pinpoint this let me know.


This issue should be fixed in the next update. Thanks for the report!

I went into the jackrabbit plains and encountered a alpha wolf, the first one I auto surrendered to cause I like doggos but the second one I actually fought... though after winning the fight it doesn't seem the game intents to let me continue the game. I click the continue button and instead of changing text box it just removes the continue button.


Thanks for this report. If you had encountered the big bad wolf before, the second encounter should have been triggering a reunion event, but it was going to combat instead. this is now fixed. Will be in the next update!

2 bugs & some questions:

1. In the brothel, if you have Judas's charm, you can pray, but when you try a buff (I only tried the skill buff so I can't confirm the others), the "finish" button appears and clicking it makes but button dissapear abd leaves you stuck on that page. You're able to undo the action but it means you can't get the skill buff while in the brothel.

2. After the Alpha Wold event (taken to the den & having a pup), all future birth events replayed in the same way:

I'll be home, give birth, and the birth scene is describing me giving birth in the den with the wolf + nursing the pup. Another time I gave birth in the brothel and the birth scene was in the den again (I didn't get to keep any brothel money). Another time I was captured by goblins and when I gave birth, I was in the den again.  I'm not sure what caused it.

Question: Does the stray dog (after you feed it the first time) show up whenever it wants, or do I need to leave the food out? My experience so far is that he comes over if I leave the food out, but usually comes over anyway even if I don't leave food out (I was trying to get more homeless man action haha). I also bought like 5 bits of dog food but I only used the first one to directly feed the dog the first time. Leaving the food out doesn't consume a dog food portion?

Overall amazing game though! Love the amount of content.


Thank you for the bug reports, those should be fixed in the latest build!

The dog can show up randomly with no food, out. having food out for him is a guarantee that he will show up. I can tone down the amount he visits without food if you feel like he is showing up too often without it.

Also, the food should only decrease if the dog visits. if it does not, it is a bug.

Thank you!