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A member registered Jun 24, 2023

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I'm not referring to making your own art. Just finding H-art online, the same with the current irl clips and pictures 

First off, just wanna say I love your writing style, it's always paced and worded very well. 

*One thing I've noticed is the lack of art, it's almost exclusively real photos, which I'm not sure why. Art would really work well with the fictional characters, like the goblins, jackbunnies etc, aswell as the dog and wolf. Not only would it be better, but it could describe the scene more vividly and accurately as I'm sure there are alot more drawings of goblins than real goblins in this world. 

*Secondly, maybe a difference could be added when being defeated or surrendering, as both outcomes act as if you'd been defeated ("Your pathetic attempt saw you overpowered"). Changing that one line in the start would make a small but nice difference, whether it be eager surrender or hopeless surrender.

I've been having a similar issue with the Alpha Wolf thing, whenever giving birth to a dog egg, you get thrown into the alpha wolf den. Sometimes just the birth event and then back to home, and sometimes you have to stay a few days pregnant before birth

(1 edit)

1.  Upon winning the Alpha Wolf fight, there is no option to continue, and you can't back out of the fight either, so either you get stuck or are forced to surrender.

2. No prompt stating loss of virginity to Alpha Wolf.

3. No saved files under "Current saved games" in "load a previous save", even if you clearly saved.

4. Quite a few Grammer errors in the Alpha Wolf den, just thought I'd mention this.

5. In the singular DataSets "Breast" and "Nipple" the game has a sort of error, stating in the description that it can't display a value of 0. If I remember correctly, you can fix it by either pressing "Default" or "Clear", which changes the description to its proper form.

Also do take into consideration that I am using Joiplay :)

Oh neat, appreciate it!

I did run into a slight misunderstanding, which I only just understood 5 minutes before typing this. In the instructions, you stated to extract the MB.2.rar (zip in my case), and drop the MB.html file into said extracted folder. Problem was, the MB.2.rar already contains the MB.html. So I was constantly downloading both files, and dropping the MB.html into the folder, which apparently stops the images from working. I'm not the best with files and folders shenanigans, so I spent like 2 days trying to figure it out and just managed to somehow do something that ended up working, which I only just understood. Maybe I'm just being a dumbass, not sure, lemme know will ya xD

All you have to do is use an emulator, I used Joiplay personally and the images worked just fine, hope this helps

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