This is for those following the game... we are having to completely restart development. Y'see, for some strange reason Godot decided to make the game quit responding while running the game after returning from a small vacation. So, in turn, some things are being re-done.
Movement system: completely revamped and much simpler
Points System: should now be easier to calculate height with the new movement system
Story Mode: Still coming, currently getting the game back up to date
Save/Best Points System: Coming with next update!
Options: Might be coming, we'll see...
Dying mid-air: Soon
Debug Menu: one of the first things to be re-implemented
Planes (moving): Hopefully should work, ig we'll have to find out...
Enemies: Hiatus until up-to-date
Note to my code reviewers: Code will be VERY out of date until ~September, when things will be about up-to-date again.
TL;DR: Not cancelled, just reworking...
Thanks for your loyalty, I'll keep you guys posted!
-mixedissmiling (Verity Games)