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[unpaid] [programmer] [sound effect artist] [2D artist]

A topic by LoganDanielle94 created Jul 29, 2022 Views: 311 Replies: 6
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Hey all, my team and I have been working on a survival RPG and we're in need of some help. We have a few artists already, but could use a few more. We also need some programmers and a possible sound effect artist. I unfortunately, can't offer any pay but if you're looking for experience or something to add to your portfolio please don't hesitate in reaching out. If you'd like more information please connect with me either here or via discord: Logan M#5057

i'm interested in working as a programmer, what is the engine you guys are using?

Honestly, it's whatever the programmer is comfortable with. We have not decided on an engine, so really we're open to suggestions or preferences. 

i'm experienced with unity. so it's what i would suggest if you were to work with me :)

I don't have a preference but again I'm just the writer :) but I do know at least one of the artists uses unity. So, if that's the engine you're comfortable with, then I'm totally fine with going that route!

well, my discord tag is ShizaanSil#2039 if you do wanna work with me, let me know :)

(3 edits)

Hey there, I am interested in joining your team as a programmer as well, if you still have free spots left. I am an indie game dev, who works in Unity and C#. My games you can find in my profile. My discord tag: SwordMaster#0759. Feel free to contact me