Present in 0.6.3:
1) Pregnancy penalties can go into effect multiple times, and are not properly removed when the pregnancy ends. After playing around a bit, I believe it is due to an interaction with the save/load system. If you save a game with a visibly pregnant character, when you reload, the pregnancy icon is not present. It only appears when you advance the time, and when it does it re-applies the penalty.
2) Allowing the wedding crashers to sleep with your spouse costs you 5000 gold, rather than giving you 5000 gold.
3) The game only seems to give the Heir Education option if the *mother* (not the child) has the Heir type.
4) [Might be a bug, or intended behavior] Children only get the Heir type if they are *conceived* between the Master and their spouse. That is, if the Master/spouse is already pregnant when they get married, but have the child after the wedding, the child will not be an Heir.