Thank you so much for playing the game! I'm going to keep working at it in order to make it the best it can be, but that means I need help from the players. We mainly look for specific feedback on specific questions, but if you have a suggestion for how the game can be improved that isn't listed here, we still would love to hear back from you!
Rule Set
- Is the rule set easy to understand?
- Did you have any issues finding the information you needed?
- Is there any rules clarifications that you need/would find helpful to have specifically listed?
- Did you have any issues with the order of events?
- Are there any graphics/diagrams you think should be added to the rule set?
- How difficult was it to trace a chain?
- Did the tokens help or hurt this process?
- Was it easier to start from the end of the chain or the beginning?
- Would it become substantially more confusing if we were to allow for intertwining chains? (ie. multiple inputs can be used on a card)
- How helpless do you feel as the Influencer?
- Would you say that the attributes made an impact on how you played?
- What aspect of the game felt most unfair?
- How do you feel about the restrictions on the Severities?
- Do you think including the severity of the card you placed down in the calculations would help alleviate confusion in calculations?
- Would being able to de-escalate cards be helpful?
- Would the game benefit from a "Skip Turn" action, where instead of discarding a card you could instead forfeit you turn?
- Were there any cards that felt particularly overpowered/underpowered/imbalanced?
- How difficult was it to cut out all of the components?
- How difficult was shuffling?
- We're considering changing the design of the scoreboard to be less ink-intensive. Which design do you think is stronger, if it matters at all?
- How do you like the page? What do you feel could be improved upon?
- Any card ideas that you would want to see be added in the future? (This one is mainly just for fun)